The healthier archives

Look back on articles related to spring cleaning, better sleep, managing stress, staying active and living a healthier lifestyle.

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How to unplug (for real)

We’re going to let you in on a little secret: If you put your phone down right now and walk away from it for even a few hours we promise YOU WILL SURVIVE. While the addiction is real, we’ve got a few ways to help you unplug from technology – and plug back into life […]

10 simple health tips for children to follow

Establishing a healthy lifestyle is important for the physical and mental well-being of children. Here are a few tips that are easy for kids to follow [...]

7 ways to bring mindfulness into your daily life

Navigating her way through big-city life, Mohini is a slow-living enthusiast and mindfulness writer. A big believer of living in the moment, she aspires to spread the power of present-moment living to those who most need it. Take a look here for her 7 tips on how to bring mindfulness to your daily life [...]

Purging your closet for a fresh perspective

With spring upon us, it’s a great time to sort through your clothes and prepare for the warmer weather ahead. We have lots of great suggestions on how to purge your small space closet for a tidier room and stress-free mind [...]

Checklist of essential home workout equipment

Having a home gym is all the rage these days, and while it may seem like a costly addition to any home, it doesn’t have to be. Check out our list of essential home workout equipment to build your very own gym at home [...]

5 ways to create a calm and restorative space

We’ve all been affected by the pandemic and have dealt with COVID-related stress, so there's no denying it’s time to focus on our health. Let’s start at home by taking a look at the best ways to add neutrals to your home to create a calm and restorative space [...]

Shaking your winter blues while staying home

Are the winter blues hitting harder than ever this year? We feel the same. We’ve got some tips that’ll help improve your mood while you’re staying cozy inside this winter [...]

Tips for keeping your home healthy this winter

With COVID-19 and cold and flu season in full swing, it makes a lot of sense to hunker down indoors. But did you know your home could be the source of the problem? Read on for great tips to keep your entire home healthy this winter [...]

Winter staycation ideas that promote wellness

With everything constantly changing, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of today’s world. This holiday season, take some time for yourself and reflect on your year – the good and the bad. Spend some time with loved ones if you can and promote wellness within your group with these staycation ideas […]

How to boost your mood while staying in

Are you a little all over the place right now? Taking care of yourself both mentally and physically is always important, but even more so now that we’re home all the time. Take a look at these 6 tips to help ensure your brain stays in good shape while staying in […]

Plants that clean the air in your home

On average, Canadians spend about 90% of their time indoors. Along with using scent-free products and keeping your home well-ventilated, plants are a helpful tool for improving indoor air quality. Here’s 10 plants that clean the air in your home […]

Infusing your space with essential oils

Essential oils are concentrated, natural oils extracted from plants like mint or eucalyptus, that have been used for thousands of years for medicinal and health purposes. With us all staying home a lot more these days, we wanted to dig into some of the benefits and ways you can infuse them into your space. Read on […]

6 tips to boost your immune system at home

Now more than ever, we need to be looking out for one another – and most importantly, ourselves. Ensure that you’re doing everything possible for your immune system while you’re staying home with these 6 tips [...]

Meditation techniques to try at home

Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body healthy. De-stress with these 5 meditation techniques you can learn and practice at home […]

Best small space plants for a peaceful home

While we’re home more often, now is the time to create calm in your space (and keep your air clean) with Mother Nature’s bounty of beautiful plants. Here’s a list of the best 6 plants to add just the right amount of Zen to your small space […]

5 best workouts to do at home

We know that not being able to go to your favourite gym or studio right now is downright hard. Have you been searching for ways to stay fit and get your energy out while you’re staying home? We’ve got you covered with these five workouts to get your heart pumping and body moving at home […]

How to sanitize your apartment properly

With all that’s going on around the world with COVID-19, everyone is trying their best to stay healthy. We’ve done research on the best ways to sanitize our apartments, keeping in mind all the small details we may not think about. Read on for effective home cleaning tips […]

Going green with natural ventilation in your home

Fostering air circulation in your home won’t just keep your family healthy, it can also lower your energy bill significantly. Natural ventilation is all about working with the environment to keep healthy air flow, reducing the amount of energy you use, and keeping mold at bay […]

10 ways to create a healthier home

A healthy home promotes wellbeing – both for people and the planet. When buying a house, you can look for LEED Certifications and ask about design and construction features that make it healthier. But if you didn’t do that when you purchased, it’s not too late. Let’s look at 10 easy ways to create a healthier home […]

18 natural cleaning solutions for your home (that actually work)

Spring cleaning your home? Here’s a list of 18 non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning hacks using natural ingredients. Read on for how to create homemade cleaning products that actually work [...]

Hasta la vista, sugar!

Parting is such sweet sorrow, especially when it’s sugar you’re saying goodbye to. It can be tough to get started and truly commit, but with some dedication you’ll notice amazing changes in your body (starting from the inside out). Read on for simple ways to cut sugar from your diet […]

Veganism for beginners

Have you been toying with the idea of going vegan but you’re just not sure if it’s right for you? There are lots of great reasons to give this lifestyle a try – and it’s easier (and more delicious) than you think. “Lettuce” give you the lowdown on plant-based eating with these must-read tips. Read on […]

How to survive allergy season

Something happens when the leaves pop, the flowers bloom and the grass turns green. People are happier, the world feels a little lighter and… aaaaachoooo! Allergy season is in full swing. No fair! We have a few ways to find relief from the itchiest, sneeziest season of all. Read on […]

4 ways to unwind after a long day

Had a crazy day? Need to reset your brain and just ‘chill’? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Here are some of our favourite ways to unwind after a long, stressful day […]

4 Workouts you can do in a small space

Not everyone needs (or can afford) a fancy gym membership to stay active. We’ve compiled a list of at home workouts you can do right in your own living room – with very little space - equipment optional! [...]

Keeping it clean with winter tidy-up tips

The cooler months make us want to hunker down and hibernate. But before you settle in, get your home ready for some serious indoor time with these winter cleaning tips [...]