Reducing energy and GHG emissions through our duct seal initiative

LIVE Minto | 3 MIN READ | 2023-05-31

Did you know that ductwork is not sealed during construction? This can lead to air leaking into the shafts, leading to:

  • More energy is used to heat or cool air coming in
  • An increase in energy consumption and GHG emissions
  • Wasted energy from heating/cooling ventilation air and fans running at higher speeds than necessary

To improve energy consumption and cost-savings at our various properties, we engaged Nerva Energy to apply an aerosolized product in the pressurized ventilation systems in our buildings. This product is environmentally safe and can seal leaks from ⅝” wide down to the width of a human hair. Plus, the application of the product does not disrupt building operations, meaning there is zero impact on residents.

The result was an improvement in air tightness in the main ventilation ducts of our buildings, and a reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions, without sacrificing indoor air quality.

Although savings were highest in older buildings, we saw an opportunity for cost savings at our new construction projects, too.